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Online Payments

Credit Card Logos

Payments Accepted Online for:

Florida Driver License Renewals (Renewals Only - new licenses require an in-person visit.)

Tag Renewals and Electronic Titles (Same-Day pickup available if ordered before 3 p.m. Renewals and Electronic Titles Only - new tags or duplicate paper titles require an in-person visit)

Local Business Tax

City of Jacksonville Parking Citations*

Duval County Property Tax Payments (Real Estate and Tangible Personal Property - TPP)

Specialty Plate Pre-Sale Vouchers

Online Title Application and Transfers

Please note: For Property Tax, Business Tax, and Tourist Development Tax : Online credit card payments for these transactions will include a fee from the credit card company of 2.5% (with a minimum of $2.50).  The Tax Collector’s Office offers this service as a convenience only and does not retain any portion of this fee. E-Checks are available at no charge for all online payments made to the Tax Collector.

For Tag Renewals : Online credit card payments will include a convenience fee of $2.95 per tag renewal. E-Checks are available for free for all online payments. 

*The website for Parking Citations is maintained by the City of Jacksonville Parking Division.  If you have questions about transactions made on that website please follow the instructions on that page.