Partial Payments for Current Year Property Taxes
Florida Statutes, Chapter 197, allows Tax Collectors the discretion to accept partial payment of current year taxes (Real Estate and Tangible Personal Property) during the period of November 1st through March 31st, provided all discounts are forfeited and a $10 processing fee will be charged for each partial payment made. Partial payments are not accepted for delinquent taxes.
To elect to make a partial payment of current year taxes, at least one property owner must sign a partial payment plan agreement (right click on the link and select "Save Target" to save a copy on your computer) to evidence the owner’s understanding and agreement to the following:
- All discounts will be forfeited, regardless of when the initial partial payment or remaining balance is received.
- The initial partial payment and affidavit can only be delivered in person or by mail to the following address:
Duval County Tax Collector
Attn: Tax Department
231 E. Forsyth Street, Suite 130
Jacksonville, FL 32202-3370
Subsequent partial payments can be made at any Duval County Tax Collector's Office or by mail. At this time, partial payments are not accepted online or by phone.
- If an affidavit signed by at least one property owner is not submitted to the Tax Collector then the partial payment will be returned to the property owner.
- The taxpayer’s account cannot be on the quarterly installment payment plan for the current year. However, it is suggested that you consider the installment payment plan for the 2024 tax year. View our installment payment page for more information.
- Any balance not paid before April 1st will be delinquent and subject to interest, advertising and late fees, the sale of a tax certificate (for real estate) or the issuance of a warrant (for personal property).
- Partial payments will not be accepted after March 31st. Taxes that remain unpaid on April 1st are delinquent, and therefore not eligible for the partial payment program.
- Taxpayers who maintain an escrow account (property taxes are paid as part of the mortgage payment) are not eligible to participate in the partial payment plan.