Real Estate Taxes
Property Taxes
Property taxes are billed annually on real estate and tangible personal property based on the value of the property. This is also called an “ad valorem” tax.
Property Taxes are assessed each year in August based on their value on January 1st of the same year. The Tax Collector begins collection of property taxes each November.
The Property Appraiser sets the value of the property and determines any exemptions that apply. Taxing Authorities including the Cities in Duval County, the School Board and several other taxing districts set the amount of tax based on budgetary needs.
The gross (entire) amount of the property tax is due by March 31st, but discounts apply for early payment:
4% if paid in November
3% if paid in December
2% if paid in January
1% if paid in February
After April 1st unpaid taxes are delinquent and subject to severe penalties. Penalties for late payment include a 3% minimum mandatory fee and other costs. In June, properties with unpaid taxes are subject to tax liens. For more information see: “Tax Sales, Certificates and Tax Deeds”
- Ad Valorem means “based on value.” Ad Valorem Taxes are based on the value of real estate or tangible property determined by the Property Appraiser.
- Millage Rate is the rate of taxation. One mill is 1/1000 of a dollar, which is 1/10th of 1 cent. A tax of one mill on $1,000 of value is $1.00. A tax of 18 mills (typical of Duval County) on a value of $100,000.00 is $1,800.00. Tax rates are set by the Taxing Authorities.
- Non-Ad Valorem Taxes are taxes that are assessed for specific governmental services imposed to pay for provided services, such as trash collection or treating storm water.
- Taxing Authority is a governmental entity that determines the amount of revenue to meet statutory requirements and budgets by setting a property tax rate (millage).
- Tax District is any geographic area or political subdivision where property owners pay a proportional share for public improvements and special services
- Tax Exemption is a deduction from property value allowed by law that reduces property taxes. Property Owners may be eligible for several property exemptions, including the homestead exemption and the “Save Our Homes” assessment limit. For information on the value of property or exemptions, contact the Property Appraiser’s Office at or call (904) 255-5900.
For information regarding DVI Liens/special assessments, please click here for the Special Lien Improvement Book.