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Hunting Licenses

If you hunt in the State of Florida, you are required to have a valid hunting license. Resident and non-resident licenses are available. The resident hunting license is valid for 12 months from the day you activate the license and cost $17.00. You will need separate permits along with your hunting license if you use archery or muzzle-loading equipment. Management Area Permits, Turkey, and Water Fowl are also separate. There is an option for a Five Year License, a Lifetime Resident Hunting License, or a Lifetime Combined Hunting and Freshwater Fishing License. Non-residents need to visit the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission for information regarding fees and term limits.

There are specific seasons, areas, types of equipment, requirements and limitations for hunting in the State of Florida, including but not limited to a successful completion of a hunter safety course.

There are subagents in many hunting supply stores who can issue you a license. You can also purchase a license at any branch of the Duval County Tax Collector or visit the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission website.